After sowing the seeds, lightly water them and keep watering a few times each day for the first several weeks. Before overseeding, you'll want to cut your grass shorter than normal and bag the clippings. 45% Spartan II Hard Fescue. Mow your lawn extra short and remove the clippings, so new seed contacts soil and gets sunlight and water. The seed, fertilizer, and water will have the best chance to get down into the holes made by the aerator if applied soon after aeration. Fertilize in early spring, late spring or early summer, late summer and fall. Aerate vs. Verticut Don't mow the lawn for approximately three weeks and until the new grass grows to a height of 3 to 4 inches. Mow the lawn to a height of 1 to 1 ½ inches, then use a rake to remove the clippings and debris. Keep all activity off the lawn for several weeks while the grass seed sprouts. Seed in the spring or summer. 15% Turf Type Annual Ryegrass A similar principle applies to overseeding: when you want to revive your lawn, you have to mow it before spreading new seed. Apply the fertilizer according to the package directions. Choose the right seeding product. Then mow, dethatch and aerate your lawn to help the grass seed make contact with the soil and let air, water and fertilizer reach the roots. I compared seeding before mowing short (1/2 inch), and sowing seed after mowing, with no mowing or preparation. Then, try not to mow right after aerating. Mow once a year (spring) and it will grow to a height of 12", then droop over. For what it’s worth, my lawn is verticut perpendicular to the street, thatch collected and removed, then cut in a 45 degree then distributing the seed. Some climates and soil types require watering 2-3 times per day in the first weeks. The stems weave together and will help your lawn resist weeds. If you live in a dry climate and are under-watering your seed, the process will take longer and will result in thinner, patchier grass. If you plan on doing this, make sure you use a starter fertilizer that’s appropriate for your grass and growing conditions that does not contain any weed control. Then water once a day. Germination can take 2-3 weeks depending on your watering habits and grass type. Instead, mow beforehand, and consider laying seed and fertilizer over your lawn after aeration and give your lawn time for that new seed to germinate before you mow again. Again, higher pricing doesn’t mean a rip-off. A small amount of fertilizer should be applied at seeding, and it should be watered until it has germinated. There are different kinds of equipment that can be used for aeration. I cannot be positive yet. Unfortunately, your grass will eventually go to seed and the long blades won't just be tough on your mower; they'll also be tough on the entirety of your yard. There are three specific dangers in letting lawns go to seed. This will give the grass seed easy access to the soil so it can root more easily after germinating. your seed, wait 4 weeks, and then mow the grass. Seed Mix. For southern lawns and winter color, set the blade as low as it goes, and cut just above the soil—what's known as scalping. Side by side near the road. Grass that’s too long won’t let the seed reach the soil. Letting your lawn go to seed won't be the same as planting new grass seed that creates a brand new lush lawn. After mowing, rake the lawn to help loosen the top layer of soil and remove any dead grass and debris. Mow low. If no directions are available use approximately 1 lb. Taking some height off your grass—and, similarly, bagging the clippings when you’re finished—will prevent the seeds from simply sitting on top of your lawn. Fertilize in spring and summer. What Equipment Do You Need for Aeration? Seed in midspring to midsummer. 40% Quatro Sheep Fescue. The machine types, removing and collecting the thatch and two directions are all factors to consider. Centipede. Set your mower at two inches or less for regular overseeding. Mow often in the summer to encourage new stems to develop. of actual nitrogen for every 1,000 square feet of lawn. Cut at a height of 4". So far, seed first-then mow, is sprouting slightly better and with thicker germination.