So did Jesus. I had been trying to save myself on my works . Cardinal Arinze: convert from an African traditional religion, he was baptized on his ninth birthday by Father Michael Tansi, who was beatified by John Paul II in 1998. . Though many social scientists (including my granduncle, sociologist Joseph Fichter, S.J.,) had studied the phenomenon of priests leaving ministry since the late 1960s, I could not find a single research project that dealt with this specific subset. (pp. I was actually very Protestant-minded at first, being exposed to many Protestant teachers I embraced many of their heresies while attending a Novus Ordo church. In time I realized that not only are these beliefs not in the Bible, they are actually contrary to the clear teaching of Scripture." Check out some of the. In short, Eastern Orthodoxy, as far as I could see at that stage of my journey, had certain strengths over against Catholicism, but also certain weaknesses. We are Former Roman catholic Priests and Nuns who has converted to the Biblical TRUTH! Lousy Leadership – The irony of this one is that the Catholic priest, more than the Protestant pastor, … . His mother and wife are both actively involved in the church's activities. So I still felt far from certain as to where to go. He owes his conversion when he witnessed the charity catholic priest and nuns ministering patients of AIDS in San Francisco. Previously, I had always judged the Bible by Roman Catholic doctrine and theology." We often discussed subjects such as the primacy of Peter, papal infallibility, the priesthood, infant baptism, confession, the mass, purgatory, the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and the bodily assumption of Mary into heaven. In time, I came to find their answers not only plausible, but more faithful to Scripture than the Catholic answers, and at least as well-represented in the traditions of the Church. . Wondering why we ask for your email, or having trouble registering. (p. 75), Works: "The Roman Catholic Church adds works, and that you have to do these specific things [keeping its laws, rule and regulations] ]in order to be saved, whereas the Bible says in Ephesians 2:8-9 that it is by grace that we are saved, not by works." "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, that no one should boast." the Holy Spirit led me to judge Roman Catholic theology by the standard of the Bible. William Lockhart: first member of the Oxford Movement to convert and become a Catholic priest ... Catholic apologist and speaker. (p. 3), Salvation by works. Since you’re a frequent reader of our website, we want to be able to share even more great, As a frequent reader of our website, you know how important, Two Vatican cardinals close to Pope Francis test positive for Covid-19, Pope Francis: Sorting the church into ‘right vs. left, progressive vs. traditionalist’ betrays its true nature, Matt Maher’s Playlist for the Last Week of Advent (and beyond). I realized that the man-made sacraments of my church and my good works were in vain for salvation. They are the generation that came of age amid Discmans, WWJD bracelets, Promise Rings, and “See You at the Pole.” Their childhoods witnessed the rise and fall of Tetris and Bible sword drills, Beanie Babies and light up sneakers. At age 15, he entered seminary & earned a degree in philosophy. If you have any issues, please call the office at 385-246-1048 or email us at The following quotes are taken from the book by Richard Bennet, Far from Rome, Near to God: Testimonies of 50 Converted Roman Catholic Priests, Carlisle, PN: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1997. Thomas Smith was a former Mormon missionary turned Protestant Minister who was received into the Catholic Church in 1996. "The monastic life and the sacraments prescribed by the Roman Catholic Church did not help me to come to know Christ personally and find salvation . Regarding life in the monastery and doing penance. (p. 25), Priestly power to change elements:  "The priest, according to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, has the power to take ordinary bread and wine, and, by pronouncing the words of the consecration prayer in the sacrifice of the Mass, to change it into the actual body and blood and soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. . The reasons Cutié gave for his conversion to the Anglican Communion were not theological in nature; his primary motivation seemed to be to free himself from the celibacy requirement that the Catholic Church demands of its Latin Rite priests. For not only did priests in the Old Testament have their lawful wives, but Paul also writes, in the New Testament, that such a bishop and elder is to be chosen as is both of blameless life and the husband of one wife (l Ti 3:2; Tts l:5-6). Indeed, I felt confronted by another version of the same problem I had faced earlier in trying to decide whether Protestantism was true or false: the problem of having to negotiate mountains of erudition that could easily occupy a lifetime of study, if I was to have any hope of arriving at a definitive answer. The Catholic Church already allows for married priests in Eastern Rite churches and in cases where married Anglican, Lutheran or other Protestant priests have converted to Catholicism. Presumably, God will take these cases into account individually when he judges people after death and decide the proper outcome for each person. They lead to a false security." Jerry he began his journey to the Catholic Church and eventually became a priest. Patriarch Sabbah: Palestinians are crying for justice. When it’s your turn, get the Covid-19 vaccine. Copyright © 2020 America Press Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Don't miss this well-researched story, in our online edition, which carefully answers the following question: How many Catholic priests become Protestant ministers? Catholics who convert to Protestantism often mean well, but they make a serious mistake in rejecting the sacraments, especially Jesus in the Eucharist. I worked with a man whose father was a Serbian Orthodox priest. Instead of following the Christianity taught in the Bible the people concentrate on the worship of statues and their local patron saints." . Charles P. Chiniquy (30 July 1809 – 16 January 1899) was a French Canadian Catholic priest who left the Roman Catholic Church after coming to true Biblical salvation. (pp. Please visit our membership page to learn how you can invest in our work by subscribing to the magazine or making a donation. Following are excerpts from only a few of the fifty testimonies in the book: As you can see, even Roman Catholic Priests can discover the truth found in God's word and escape the error of the Roman Catholic system of works righteousness. 75-76), Testimonies from ex-Roman Catholic Priests. George Floyd died crying out to his mother. Many thought that priests with wives could, as the Protestants did, bring greater sensitivity and understanding to marital and family issues. (p. 69), Salvation by works:  "The Roman Catholic Church then goes on to say that in order to be saved you must keep its laws, rules and regulations. How many Catholic priests chose to become Protestant ministers? . "I knew from the teachings of the priests and nuns that I could not hope to go directly to heaven after my death. A Protestant has the experience of a minister smiling whenever he sees you, memorizing your name, and generally going out of his way to make a personal connection. They prayed among the many priests, sisters and brother on retreat but with a difference: sometimes after meals you would see them holding hands, strolling around the retreat house grounds. . The story of his name says all the truth about his family’s deep Christian faith received from courageous Catholic Missionary priests who converted much of the Africans to Christianity—not a single of any Minister of the Iglesia ni Cristo braved that risky missionary task that Catholics did to proclaim the Gospel to all walks of life-- even to Africans. From which branch of the priesthood (diocesan or religious) did they originate? Discussions about such things were commonplace whenever priests got together—even as they visited the apartment that Mother and I shared together off base. (p. 66). (pp. (p. 36), The Mass and sorcery. A few weeks ago on retreat I was introduced to a friendly middle-aged couple nbsp I m a Catholic priest he said nbsp And I m his wife she said nbsp … If these det… Please contact us at with any questions. 'individual and integral confession and absolution constitute the only ordinary way by which the faithful person who was aware of serious sin can be reconciled with God, and with the church' (Canon 9609)." By all means. (p. 59), Idols and Statues. He replied that the idol was not expected to help him; it only represented the power in heaven which could. Preparation for reception into the Church begins with the inquiry stage, in which the unbaptized person begins to learn about the Catholic faith and decide whether to embrace it.The first formal step to Catholicism begins with the rite of reception into the order of catechumens, in which the unbaptized express their desire and intention to become Christians. It’s an act of love, charity and solidarity. They entered puberty just when AOL screen names were at peak popularity and CCM was off the charts. Your source for jobs, books, retreats, and much more. We ask readers to log in so that we can recognize you as a registered user and give you unrestricted access to our website. They were meant only for herself. 2:8-9). "In the United States the Roman Catholic Church is on its best behavior, putting its best foot forward because of its critics and opponents. I dropped out of a Protestant seminary, enrolled in RCIA, and delved deep into the Catechism, Catholic theology, and Catholic literature. I believe this is mainly a Protestant idea. 21-22), Relying on works. Shortly afterward, he announced that he was leaving the Catholic Church to become an Episcopal priest, and in June he and his girlfriend were married in a civil ceremony. yes, you can convert to Catholicism and become a priest. Scotland’s conversion to Protestantism was initiated by Henry VIII. "And I'm his wife," she said. The churches of the Anglican Communion recognize the validity of Holy orders conferred by the Roman Catholic Church, so that a Bishop, Priest or Deacon who converted from Catholicism to Anglicanism, would remain a Bishop, Priest or Deacon, and could serve in the appropriate roles in the Anglican Church, subject to the relevant canon (s) of the various constituent churches of the Communion. this helps us promote a safe and accountable online community, and allows us to update you when other commenters reply to your posts. Holy Orders . I meant to say, "be received into full communion." Provided he pronounces the words of consecration properly and has the intention of consecrating, God must come down on the altar and enter and take over the elements." My Roman Catholic catechism taught me that after death I had to pay for the temporal punishment due to my sins. What horrified me about his reply was that it was almost word for word the explanation Roman Catholics give for rendering honor to the statues of the saints." by Matt Slick. 2 of his brothers are priests. We all know about 100 married Protestant ministers became married Catholic priests in the USA. Here's the beginning of his piece: Earlier this year, Father Alberto Cutié, a popular radio and television personality in Miami, found himself the subject of tabloid headlines when he was photographed relaxing on the beach with a woman who turned out to be his longtime girlfriend. As a frequent reader of our website, you know how important America’s voice is in the conversation about the church and the world. How unique is Cutié’s story? Like their opponents, Protestants had appealed to Scripture and tradition. They are quite interesting and valuable since they give an insight to Catholicism from those who were priests in the Catholic Church and then left it to find salvation in Jesus. Some Protestant Church bodies have all but abandoned ecumenical discussions with Catholicism for this very reason. T he Protestants did more than out-catholic the Catholics. . How many other Catholic priests have left the church for another denomination in order to marry? . Through his prolific and highly regarded writing, Thomas Howard’s name is familiar to Protestants and Catholics alike, but many have never heard the story of his conversion to Catholicism. He resolved three of the four long ago, but struggled the most with Mary, finally accepting the teaching on her just because the church taught it. I was stifled in a setting in which I was pushed to do good works to merit my salvation." my theology gives me no assurance of salvation; the Bible offers me that assurance . With grace, charm, and wit, Dr. Howard describes his journey from Evangelicalism … Relatively speaking, they are more distant than Protestant clergy, albeit for good reasons sometimes. MATT SLICK LIVE RADIOCall in with your questions at 877-207-22763-4pm PST; 4-5pm MST; 6-7pm ESTWatch on FacebookPast Shows Radio PodcastRadio Show SurveySubscribe to CARM Radio, CARM wishlistWant to help CARM in a different way? . If you’re already a subscriber or donor, thank you! In this month when the Protestant Reformation is commemorated, this former Protestant wants to ask a big question. The Jesuit Social Research Insitute seeks a new Executive Director, Pope Francis’ friendship with the Grand Imam of Al Azhar inspired the new International Day of Human Fraternity. when i was an episcopalian and many of us were disenchanted with what was happening to the episcopal church, one of the first to depart was one of my favorite priests. You can either click on the link in your confirmation email or simply re-enter your email address below to confirm it. You can also manage your account details and your print subscription after logging in. 54-55), Superstition. . Ansgar Holmberg, C.S.J., 86, didn’t paint her O Antiphon series to edify or instruct anyone. Don’t Read the Early Church Fathers. The following quotes are taken from the book by Richard Bennet, Far from Rome, Near to God: Testimonies of 50 Converted Roman Catholic Priests, Carlisle, PN: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1997.They are quite interesting and valuable since they give an insight to Catholicism from those who were priests in the Catholic Church and then left it to find salvation in Jesus. . Not even the most elementary demographic data were available. Works:  "When I entered the order, the first thing that happened was that I was told I had to keep all the rules and regulations, that to do so would be pleasing to God, and that this was what he wanted for me. Churches everywhere were dropping the -Baptist and -Church from their names to be more Seeker-Friendly. "Does Pope Francis want Protestants to convert to Catholicism?" (p. 39), Bible or Tradition.  " ", Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry, CARM, PO BOX 1353, Nampa ID 83653 | 385-246-1048, Sacraments. 9, 11-12), Upon questioning Rome's Beliefs, "At first I did not understand, but gradually I observed a wonderful change in mother. Seven years ago, I myself was an emotional and excited Protestant convert to Catholicism (though also a revert, as my parents left the Church shortly after my first communion). How long can Christians ignore them? 3 Likes HodosFebruary 18, 2019, 2:14pm He left the Roman Catholic Church, got married and through conversations with his wife and other Christians, "I finally understood that I had been relying on my own righteousness and religious efforts and not upon the completed and sufficient sacrifice of Jesus Christ. As gasoline prices plummeted to baffling lows, their parents drove them to … "When I met in Cuba a genuine pagan who worshiped idols (a religion transplanted from Africa by his ancestors), I asked how he could believe that a plaster idol could help him. A third mistake that I made was nearly fatal: I began to read the … Catholic priests who conducted secret services for Catholics were tortured and executed. These, and other penances, are supposed to gain one merit in heaven and increase one's 'spiritual bank account.'" We were taught the motto, 'Keep the rule and the rule will keep you.'" If you login and register your print subscription number with your account, you’ll have unlimited access to the website. Could Cutié’s conversion signal the beginning of another wave of men leaving the priesthood? Have unlimited access to our website a thousand priests that that went the other way the Mass and sorcery conversion. Began his journey to the magazine or making a donation will keep you. 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